OPH Announces Opening of 7th LDI Cohort

Coming in October 2024, our OPH Leadership Development Institute kicks off to train a new cohort of 12 OPH leaders. We partner with Success Labs, a Baton Rouge-based consulting and coaching firm, to lead this program. To learn more about the program and how to apply, read on! Why leadership development? For OPH to fulfillContinueContinue reading “OPH Announces Opening of 7th LDI Cohort”

OPH Employee Spotlight: Jennifer Armentor

What is your role, title, and section/ area of work in OPH? What do you do in OPH? I am the Administrator of the Molluscan Shellfish Program, Commercial Seafood Program and Beach Monitoring Program for the Bureau of Sanitarian Services within OPH. I oversee and promulgate rule-making for Part 9 in the Louisiana State SanitaryContinueContinue reading “OPH Employee Spotlight: Jennifer Armentor”

OPH Employee Spotlight: Taylor Reine

What is your role, title, and section/ area of work in OPH? What do you do in OPH? I am the Tobacco Control and Chronic Disease Prevention Division Manager for the Bureau of Chronic Disease Prevention and Healthcare Access, within the Office of Public Health. As manager, I oversee the Division of Tobacco Control andContinueContinue reading “OPH Employee Spotlight: Taylor Reine”

OPH Employee Spotlight: Erica Sonnier

How long have you been with OPH/LDH and where are you geographically based? I have been with OPH since May 2022. I am currently domiciled in Calcasieu Parish, which is also my home Parish. What are some of your favorite hobbies or interests? What do you like to do on the weekends? I am anContinueContinue reading “OPH Employee Spotlight: Erica Sonnier”

OPH Employee Spotlight: Melinda Williams

What is your role, title, and section/ area of work in OPH?  I am a Public Health Epidemiologist within the Bureau of Health Informatics. I work with the Louisiana Opioid Surveillance Program. How long have you been with OPH/LDH and where are you geographically based? I consider myself still a newcomer with LDH, and inContinueContinue reading “OPH Employee Spotlight: Melinda Williams”

OPH Employee Spotlight: Huei-Chia “Julyana” Cheng

What is your role, title, and section/ area of work in OPH?  My current role in OPH is the program manager for administration and finance within the Infectious Disease Epidemiology Section (IDEpi) in the Bureau of Infectious Diseases. My team and I are responsible for BCGPP&B* = Budget, Contracts, Grants, Personnel, Purchases & Beyond. *HowContinueContinue reading “OPH Employee Spotlight: Huei-Chia “Julyana” Cheng”

OPH Employee Spotlight: Chris Williams

What is your role, title, and section/ area of work in OPH?  I work in the Planning Section of the Louisiana Department of Health, Office of Public Health, Bureau of Community Preparedness, and as a Logistics Chief upon Emergency Operations Center activation.  In my emergency preparedness role as Program Monitor, I support the efforts ofContinueContinue reading “OPH Employee Spotlight: Chris Williams”

You Don’t Have to be SAD!

Fall is here and you may notice that your mood is changing along with the leaves.  Seasonal changes can cause mood changes in many people. These mood changes may be more serious and can affect daily activities, which may indicate seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a type of depression. SAD symptoms usually start in late fallContinueContinue reading “You Don’t Have to be SAD!”

OPH Employee Spotlight: Adrienne Mercadel Whitney

What is your role, title, and section/ area of work in OPH?  I am the Vaccines for Children Program Manager with the Immunization Program How long have you been with OPH/LDH and where are you geographically based? I have been with the Immunization Program for 22 years.  Nine of those years I was the PerinatalContinueContinue reading “OPH Employee Spotlight: Adrienne Mercadel Whitney”

National Bullying Prevention Month 2023

What to do if your child is experiencing bullying? When you discover your child is being bullied, you may feel a variety of emotions, from anger to fear to sadness. These reactions and emotional responses are natural for parents and caregivers who want their children to feel valued, protected, and loved. To become an effectiveContinueContinue reading “National Bullying Prevention Month 2023”

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